
Navigating Ovarian Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

‘Cancer’ is a term that induces panic, anxiety, and ambiguity, affecting numerous people globally. This article aims to shed light on an important malignancy specific to females, that is Ovarian cancer. Women encounter a challenging terrain of cancer risks, with ovarian cancer posing a significant threat. In India, ovarian cancer ranks as the third most common disease among women with …

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What to Do If You Sustain an Eye Injury While Playing Holi

As Holi draws near, you might already be gearing up to make it the most vibrant day of the year. What attire should you choose for the occasion? Which recipes will dazzle your guests? Whom should you invite to join in the festivities? You’ve likely ticked off most of your to-do list and might have even started your Holi shopping. …

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Essential Dietary Recommendations and Their Impact on Reproductive Health

By: Dr Sulbha Arora, MD, DNB, Clinical Director, Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai Proper nutrition serves as a foundation for fertility as the food we consume can have a big impact on our ability to conceive and it drastically influences both male and female reproductive health. With an informed dietary choice, individuals can improve their fertility potential and increase their chances …

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Cancer cases on the rise the daily lifestyle choices are adding to the risk

Malignancy rates are unquestionably on the rise these days, affecting millions of people worldwide. While some risk factors are beyond our control, such as genetics and age, a substantial fraction of cancer cases can be attributed to modifiable lifestyle habits. Identifying these risk factors and making conscious choices can encourage individuals to reduce their cancer risk and promote overall well-being. …

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When does the line blur between innocent baby fat and concerning obesity?

Babies are undeniably cute, with their cherubic faces, chubby cheeks, Michelin Man pudges, tiny rolls, squeezable and cuddly size but when does that sweet baby fat turn into a potential health concern?  There is such a thing as obesity in babies. When a baby weighs more than what is considered normal for their age, it could be a sign of obesity. Normal weight …

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Hidden Health Issues: Women’s Lesser-Known Concerns

There are lesser known health concerns among women which need to be brought to the notice of comman man. To begin with, Adolescents and teenagers undergo a crucial phase of physical and emotional development, during which they may encounter various health challenges related to their reproductive systems. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and urinary tract infections (UTIs) …

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Holi-Proof Your Hair

Bangalore: Embracing vibrant festivities like Holi or experimenting with new hair colours can be an exhilarating way to showcase your personality. Yet, it’s essential to be mindful of the impact such activities can have on your hair’s health. Post-celebration, you might find your hair feeling a tad drier than usual. The colours used during these festivities can potentially damage your …

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Things to keep in mind if the new-born baby is under-weight

In India, the current scenario of underweight newborns remains a significant concern that requires attention. There are several reasons why babies are born underweight nowadays. One common reason is the mother’s nutrition and diet during pregnancy. Poor maternal diet can lead to inadequate weight gain for the baby, resulting in a lower birth weight. This also causes premature birth where …

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Kidney Cancer: Causes, Diagnosis, Drawbacks of Conventional Surgery, and Treatment Options

Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, occurs when abnormal cells in the kidneys grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor. The kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and producing urine. There are different types of kidney cancer, with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) being the most common type in adults. It is a concerning health issue …

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Redefining Wellness Industry in India: The Truths Behind Ageing and Longevity

As India faces an ageing population, the wellness industry stands at a critical point, tasked with addressing the unique challenges and opportunities this brings. The UNFPA 2023 report highlights the urgency, projecting a 279% increase in India’s elderly population from 2022 to 2050. This demographic shift raises crucial questions about India’s readiness and the financial impact on an ageing society. …

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